
Hello, and thank you for viewing my website. This is a place on the Internet where I advertise my software consultancy services, and publish my thoughts on a variety of different topics. Unless indicated otherwise, content on this website represents my own personal thoughts and do not express the views or opinions of any individual or organization I have worked with.

Furthermore, I believe in lifelong learning and am constantly refining both my skillset and perspective on the world. Older content on this website may not necessarily reflect my current opinions.

I write about a variety of different topics, and sometimes my posts might be educational in nature. Reading my website does not form a professional relationship between us, and suggestions within my postings are not substitutes for personalized professional advice. Following any advice posted on my website is done at your own risk, and my postings are provided without warranty of any kind.

If you would like to receive professional advice on a topic with which I have expertise, then you should email me in order to discuss entering an engagement with me.

Get in touch 👋

If you're working on an innovative web or AI software product, then I'd love to hear about it. If we both see value in working together, we can move forward. And if not—we both had a nice chat and have a new connection.
Send me an email at hello@sophiabits.com