6 August, 20241 minute read

I went on a podcast

A couple of months back I recorded a podcast episode with the folks over at Core to Cloud. They focus on the cybersecurity industry, and have some great episodes such as this one where they discuss the human side of cybersecurity defense. I thought it was really interesting to see how blameless culture—something I largely associate with straight software engineering—is so important to cybersecurity practitioners.

In reverse, the Swiss cheese model of cybersecurity is also highly applicable to software engineering. This was one of the topics I explored in my recent essay on software reliability. Knowledge sharing across industries is so important, because there’s a remarkable amount of carryover from one field to another.

On my podcast episode we covered green software engineering, touched on software ethics—timely given the CrowdStrike incident!—and talked about recent AI developments. I reckon it’s worth a listen; you can catch it below on YouTube, or your favorite podcast app.

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Invisible Emissions: The Growing Environmental Impact of Cloud Computing

Appearing on a podcast has been a bucket list item for me for quite a while, and I’m hoping to go on more in future. If you are a podcast host that’s interested in chatting with me, feel free to drop me an email.

I don’t want to clutter my blog with an announcement every time I do this, so I’ve added a new “elsewhere on the Internet” section to my about me page where you can find links to all of my press coverage, interviews, etc.

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If you're working on an innovative web or AI software product, then I'd love to hear about it. If we both see value in working together, we can move forward. And if not—we both had a nice chat and have a new connection.
Send me an email at hello@sophiabits.com