A common mistake in system design interviews is to underestimate a low but steady write ra…
A few years ago while working at Kwotimation I needed to build a search feature. We’d rece…
The cloud business model is a simple one. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and smaller players l…
At my last job we sold a quoting SaaS to tradespeople, and naturally a big component of ou…
My general workflow with GPT is to first get a prototype working using GPT-4, and then to …
Shortly after OpenAI’s DevDay I wrote up a deep dive into the “JSON mode” which came bundl…
For the majority of companies it is a bad idea to hire software engineers for projects com…
A month ago OpenAI threatened legal action against gpt4free, a project which allows you to…
When it’s raining money and a dollar today is worth about the same as a dollar seven years…
There’s a golden rule to fostering a great engineering culture, and it is to aggressively …
Mark Zuckerberg has sent out a “chilling” message to Meta’s staff, stating that the compan…
You know what the inventor of the refrigerator probably did after finishing up the first p…
There is an absolutely fantastic Medium article from 2018 discussing the shape of the iPho…
Building software is fun. It’s a remarkably unique intellectual challenge which totally gr…
Disney+ is a fantastic service. Pound-for-pound it’s cheaper than Netflix while also deliv…
Purchasing goods online is a terrible user experience, because businesses at large have ma…
Anything and everything in this world is negotiable, and even if you don’t actively seek o…
NFTs (“non-fungible tokens”) are all the rage this year. In case you missed it, NFTs work …
It’s impossible to be responsible for every single line of code running inside your softwa…