tRPC has a fairly comprehensive set of built-in error codes, but because they’re baked in …
If you’ve got an error which looks like the one below, this article will help you resolve …
At my last job we sold a quoting SaaS to tradespeople, and naturally a big component of ou…
I introduced a bug the other month to CGA’s “Talk Time” Zoom app. This tool tracks the amo…
I’m a huge fan of type-prefixed IDs because they make development so much more pleasant. O…
I’ve been using Drizzle as my ORM for a new side project because it supports running insid…
The “Twelve-Factor App” methodology dictates that all app configuration is stored in envir…
Everyone knows what a memory leak is, and the prevalence of this bug is a testament to the…
I’ve been writing web apps with React for a really long time now[^1], and I’ve seen a numb…
One of the major projects I’ve overseen while working at Crimson Education was a complete …
I’ve been in situations where I need to smoothly animate the height of an HTML element mor…
Enumerations are found in almost every programming language there is. They’re a language f…
Every piece of software takes user input in some capacity. Right now I’m typing this artic…
I started working at Kwotimation about October 2020, and as I write this article it’s curr…
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of teaching C++ to a group of bright high school stude…